Recipe: Sophie-style tacos (i.e. what I cook for myself)

I live in San Francisco's Mission District - home of a thousand taquerias, pupuserias, and taco trucks. Delicious, no doubt - but the meat always makes me squirm a little and I've yet to be satisfied by any vegetarian option. Far better (and cheaper) are these tacos, which I cook for myself at least once a week. They're the perfect single girl food (and also tend to really impress a date).

Tacos Sophie

Serves 1 single person

Heat a skillet to medium and add a glug of olive oil. Add any vegetable you like - I use hearty greens most often (kale, chard, beet greens) but I've also used onions, zucchini, and broccolini. Cook over medium heat until vegetable are cooked through. Add a dash of salt and pepper.

While veggies are cooking (don't forget to stir them every once in a while), get out a heavy skillet and fry two corn tortillas in a pat of butter over medium-high heat. When one side is lightly crisped, flip the tortillas and sprinkle the crispy side with grated pepper jack cheese (I am a diehard pepper jack fan). Let second side crisp a bit, then flip again to fry the cheese (yes, you heard me right). Don't touch! Let the cheese get crispy for a few minutes. It's done when it easily releases from the pan but there's still some cheese that's melty but not fried. 

Top with cooked veggies, warmed black beans, and any/all of the following toppings:

  • chopped cilantro
  • sour cream
  • avocado
  • sriracha
  • a smear of hummus
  • finely chopped cabbage
  • radishes (watermelon radish pictured here)
  • sauerkraut (my favorite!) or some fermented curtido (Salvadorian kraut). Rainbow Grocery has an awesome version by Wild West ferments (see below - yummy probiotics!)