A Note on Bounty
I’ve been feeling dissatisfied lately - stuck, if you will. I often ruminate on what would fill that great gaping need - a different home? More community? A stable loving partner? Give me those things, and I should feel happier, right? More satisfied? Like a better person, perhaps?
It’s a lot harder - but a lot healthier - to approach life from a position of bounty and to express gratitude. This year - without making any explicit resolutions or goals - I’m trying to give more and want less. After all, I have a salaried job, a warm and beautiful home, the independence of singlehood, and wise and loving friends. I have more than enough food to eat, a closet stuffed with things to wear, and the time to volunteer in my community and take classes in things that interest me (like welding! and woodworking! and sewing!).
Enough self-indulgent blather - what I’m trying to say it that I will no longer be accepting money to help me cover food costs at Supper Club. I would love it if you continued to chip in, though, as I plan to donate all proceeds from each of my dinners to feed those in our community who face food insecurity. I have chosen the Alameda County Community Food Bank to receive the donations - they do great work and I’m more than happy to support them.
From their site:
Alameda County Community Food Bank serves one in six county residents, but our work is about much more than numbers – it’s about real people struggling through difficult times,” said Allison Pratt, director of policy and services. “We hear every day from families with two or more working adults, still struggling to put a simple healthy meal on the table for their kids, and seniors living on fixed incomes, having to make the painful decision between food and medicine.The high level of need is shocking, and shows that the economy is not improving for everyone.
Thanks, everyone. I’m grateful to have you as part of this bountiful life.